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365 posts

365 posts in 365 days shouldn't be that hard of a task... But alas, I have 98 more to go, and I only have till July 1st. But I WILL prevail.

I would also like 730 comments by then. Oh don't groan! It's not that bad, just 2 comments per post.. Or at least it would only be 2 comments for post if every had comment on all the past posts. But since they haven't you'll have to do double time. Theres 581 comments, so 730-581 will be... 149 comments to go! *blinks* thats about 2 comments per post from here on out.

So don't make me be a loser and do all my own comments! Okay? Now if only I had this dedication to FYF....


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Sounds like you have your work cut out for you.




Does this one count? It's the third comment on the same post. Drat.