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Random Question of the day

Whats the longest you've ever known someone and still managed to remain friends?

My answer: 11 years knowing and tolerating MV


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I've got 2 best friends i've know for 13 yrs. good stuff.


I've known my best guy friend for 26 years.

I've known my husband 15 years--14 of which we've been dating; 11 of which we've lived together; and 7 of which we've been married.

Of course, I'm old (41 1/2). That makes all this possible ;)


Mine i've had for 14 years.


my best friend and i have known eachother for 11 years.. since i was in 3rd grade and now i am about to be a jr in college


My best friend and I have been as close as twins for 29 years and counting. Okay, so we're "as close as twins", but, each time get together we just pick up where we left off. No muss, no fuss! Good friends are for keeping. :D