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Some how..

Some where, I don't know when, I managed to mess up my hand kinda bad. Aka. It hurts to move it around too much, and it hurts like the devil to type with it. So instead of trying to chicken peck posts, blogging is going to be suspended for a while... which also means I have to delay the opening of FYF a bit longer.

I'll try to resume normal blogging habits (the good ones at least) in a few days....


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» FYF... is open. from Fear Your Future
After slaving away for the past couple of days, even with my hurt hand, I have managed to finish the template. Its got the 3 coloums and I am happy. *Grins* Now real posting can begin. (Not by me but... [Read More]


I believe its called teenage stress syndrome. Usually the result of slamming doors followed quickly by exaggerated and obscene hand gestures typically directed at the patients parents or other adult supervision.

But I could be wrong!


I hope so, Stephen! :D

But just in case - Mookie's grounded!


Daaaaaaamn Ted.

Sorry, kid!