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God is a tomato and Satan is a pickle

Or at least thats according to E.C. Glass High School.

I know I've been a bit late on telling you about the Regionals, but hey, I was still laughing at them. To be short, my school got 3rd place, and isn't going to states because we missed 2nd by 1 point. I wont go into the logistics because I'll whine, but I'll tell you the funny stuff.

The show that beat us to 2nd place was E.C. Glass and, to be nice, I've seen choir concerts that were more entertaining. They sang almost the whole time, with short lines of dialog. Everything was about God, because the title of the play was "God Lives In Glass". My problems with the play are numerous. Among them being that it was a public school doing a play primarily about God. Another problem is that their main song consisted of two lines:

Ask the children
They also had a song entirely about how God is a Tomato, and of course the kids from my school (once we were on the bus) came up with: God is a Tomato, Satan is a pickle, Relish is Demons, and Jesus is Ketchup. We had quite a bit of fun. Another favorite line from the show to make fun of is:
God lives in a mirror, and when I asked Him who the prettiest girl in the world is, He told me the truth.. And it broke my heart.
He said the prettiest girl was MV. Hehehe.

I could go on and on. But I wont, because I still have a lot to do before bed. I'm going to blog more regularly again, I just had to get used to being a Stage Manager and dealing with some new curves thrown my way. So Toot-a-loo. And maybe I'll give you more tales from Regionals.

Just remember, its no longer BLTs. Its BLGs. Bacon. Lettuce. And GOD.


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This one is for Susie, Cherry, Jennifer, Mookie, LeeAnn, Roxette, Stevie, Heather, Helen, Linda, Annika and Sarah:Throw Rocks At BoysUntil they hand over the flowers and chocolates, anyway. (Thanks to The International Squirrel Conspiracy.)... [Read More]


Boo! Boo to the pickles!


I'm sorry to hear that. So close...

So are you gonna tell us what a fly system is, or do I have to...I dunno. Something.


mmmmm this BLG is HEAVENLY! if i had a hot dog with some demons on it it would be to DIE for! yummmmy demon....


I must have an evil mind. The first thing I thought of when I read that was my favorite bad movie, "Attack of the Killer Tomatoes."


I am from EC Glass High School. I am sorry that you feel that way about our school. An NYU playwright gave our school rights to the show... we are the first people to use it outside of NYU in the world. The show will be on Broadway soon, but Glass got to use it before they did. "God is a Tomato" is one of the songs. At least my school had the talent to do a musical. Also, we have no control over whether or not paint is chipping on the walls. Next time a school opens their doors so you can perform your play, I'd say that you need to be a little more thankful and appreciative. Also, about your religion in public schools comment: theatre is optional. No one was forced to sing about God, it was their choice. The show itself wasn't preachy or anything; it covered almost every religion on the Earth in its thirty minute run. It wasn't forcing anyone to go out and be saved, it wasn't forcing anything. What was the play that you all did anyway?


I'm really sorry that your school didn't make the finals. But I am an original cast member from the NYC production of "God Lives in Glass", and perhaps you missed the big picture of the musical. The show was written in response to 9-11 terrorist attacks and it was a really inspiring piece to perform in. It depicted the lives of real children and their vision of who they viewed God to be. I know sometimes defeat is difficult, but don't consider as such. You scored third place which is quite an achievement. Please don't be blinded to what a beautiful piece "God Lives in Glass" actually is. Good luck in the future.

PS it was sung the entire time with short dialogue because it was a musical revue.


Hi- I was in the school the came in 4th place at the regional competition (and, since we're in the same district as EC Glass, we were "lucky" enough to see them at districts as well). Unfortunately, the writer of this article is not exaggerating. Although the premise of the play seemed interesting enough, the cast could not pull it off. The acting was fine, but in a musical, the judging should be on technical merit, not just that they are singing and it's a plus if they can sing well... which generally, was not the case. "God is a Tomato" was a cute number and performed quite well... unfortunately, this cannot be said for a vast many of the other numbers in the play. At our district competition, it was generally agreed by everyone except EC Glass (and apparently the judges) that we and the school that placed 3rd were much better than "God Lives in Glass"... unfortunately, EC Glass hosting both competitions and a convenient amount of judges being from the Lynchburg area did not help this. In both instances, no one cheered for EC Glass except themselves... whereas other schools that placed were cheered by everyone... kind of tells you something, doesn't it?


I'm sad to hear that your theatre sucks compared to E.C. Glass, who went to Scotland to perform A Chorus Line at the Fringe Festival. Oh yeah, learn how to stage manage, you couldn't handle an event quite like Glass did.


"God Lives in a mirror. When I ask him who is the most beautiful, he always tells the truth. Sometimes, he breaks my heart."
Thats the correct quote, and since it's one of my favorites I thought it should be correct. You are entitled to your own opinion, and personally I don't care what that is. But since you made it such a point to have your comments pop up when Glass is googled, I thought you should atleast have the quote right.