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1 more day

Until the new template is installed. How much of my To-Do list do I have done? All of it.

But I have excuses! And they include: Homework, Exam Review, Drama, and mucho other things. But Ready or not, tomorrow is the day of reckoning.


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Looks like the old Mookie Riffic so far. And I think you messed up your tense in the first paragraph. I mean, it sounds like your list is ready, but the second paragraph implies it isn't.

That's just a long way of saying I'm confused.


My bizzle. I didn't proof read


you can add one more thing to your to do list: Take annika off of the blogroll entitled "Good But Non MuNu" :)


So I noticed. And since I haven't yet, Welcome to MuNuviana!


Thanks sweetie!