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In theater, one of the most important, and hardest tasks is becoming invisible. During scene changes and backstage you should not be seen. Most of the time you can get away with just black clothes, my favorite techie ever was a bit obsessive. He wore ALL black. He even tried to show me his underwear to prove it. This guy did everything from a black ski mask to black gloves. The pity? The guy did spotlight and no one cares about spot that much. Such a shame too.

Now i have given you a picture of me, (click) in my techie outfit. I've gone ahead and taken several pictures, with me in various stages of Techie-dom, you can figure it out. And one more thing, I generally don't go as observe as the last one.


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Kabuki Mookie!


(Well, it should really be Kuroko Mookie, but that doesn't rhyme.)




Kuroko are stage hands in Japanese theatre, particularly in Kabuki. They are dressed entirely in black. The actually move things around during the performance, in full view of the audience - who pretend not to notice them.


I saw the coolest video clip where it looked like Crouching Tiger, Dancing Ping-Pong, and halfway through they rotated the camera angle so you could see the guys in black holding up the actors, table, and ball. Pretty twisted.