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Dead guy of the day... Costs.

Beyond the basic cost of life, to excecute someone it costs:

31c of electricity to use the Electric Chair.
$600-$700 for Lethal Injection.
$250 for the cyanide used in the Gas Chamber.


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What about firin' squad, guillotine, and hangin'? Of course, I like the Bibilical execution the best, where you just stone them until they are dead. I suppose there might be some cost to get enough big rocks to throw at them, but then again, it might depend on where you live.


Your template is cool as hell! Nice work.


*giggles* I don't think that would be very comfortable though, Tiger... :P


Perhaps we could just use one really big rock, and a crane to drop it... Or better yet, a wrecking ball... I'd hate to go and get an environmentalist upset that we got blood on the rock...