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Lets just say if you get another post out of me before the 15th it will be miraculous. *Yawn* Its tech week! Which means hell week. Which also translaates to be No-Sleep-Week!

I'll try to post, but don't count on it.


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» Susie Spouts Off from Munuviana
I haven't posted anything here in awhile, but not having anything interesting to say never stops me on my own blog, so I'm not going to let that influence me here. Anyway, I want to thank Jennifer for interviewing me,... [Read More]

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» Where Is Mookie Now? from Kin's Kouch
6 days down, 3 to go. We want Mookie! We Want Mookie! Come back Mookie! I'm gonna call a beat down on her teachers if this continues. Is there nothing you can do Ted?... [Read More]


Good luck on the play!


Hey, goodluck with Hell Week! I'm still workin on getting there! Imagine that, it's THAT messy lol


Ugh... Hate tech weeks... Good luck with all of it, and do try to get some sleep... Remember, its only a play... And that whole "show must go on" deal is a farce... (not that I've ever missed an opening, but I don't do the stupid long hours anymore, "art" isn't worth getting hurt/sick over...)