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I had this post in the works for a while, mainly because in Theater Production we have a girl who is obsessed with a stuffed Rabbit that looks kinda like a cat. Aka. Cabbit.

There is a myth of a sort, about a cross breed of rabbits and cats. The result being a ‘Cabbit’. In fact there are a few “breeders” that actually sell Cabbits. These breeders don’t sell Cabbits, because they don’t exist. What these Cabbit Breeders do sell are cats with genetic mutations that make the hind-legs look like a rabbits. Or on a few rare (rarer) occasions the front legs are significantly shorter.

But since there are no actual Cabbits let’s talk about something that does exist. Freaks and hybrids.

Snowflake. The only albino gorilla known to science.

And how about this one for you. The French actually did something cool. The created a glowing Rabbit! Granted it only glows under a black light, but it glows like a jellyfish. It was genetically engineered.

Various Hybrid Dogs/Dog like things.

I'll do more adventually


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Mookie is Alive!



adventually? I like that word.



They do too exist! They do!