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Job Searching

So my mom says that if I don't get into Governor school I have to get a job. And that if I don't get a job this summer, I have to next summer.

Muah! I found a way to do it which she never expected. Though it probably wont work for this summer, due to my age, but it is definitely worth careful consideration for next summer: Ta-Da INTERNSHIPS!!

Would that not be so cool? And considering some even come with housing and stipends and college credit (!!!!!), I would be so tickled pink I'd be turning blue.


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Brilliant idea! An internship will look good on college applications AND your future resume.


I found it funny that I was bored and googled Gar-Field sucks and this came up....I recognized your sn =) heh


Be very carefull looking for a theatre internship... There are lots more of them out there that are bad than good...
(oh, and welcome back...)