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Tech Drawing

The teacher is gone, I'm done with all 20-some-odd drawings, and the school has banned Addictinggames.com. So what do I do? Write a post. Hehe.

My english teacher lent me both versions of the Phantom of the Opera books, and Dracula 2000! Why the movie? Cause its got Gerard Butler in it. ^^ She said that after I watch we have to discuss it, but I think thats just her way of making it semi-educational even though I'm just watching it because Gerard Butler is hott.

I'm really hyper spastic today, and tonight I'm going to enter not one, not two, but three recipees into the Carnival that dad is hostin'. One that I actually make, one from the anarchist cookbook, and one from my english book Like Water for Chocolate. Yay for me.

The school sucks, they blocked addictinggames.com, ebaumsworld, and albinoblack sheep (I'll add the hyperlinks later), but luckily I found the End Of The World flash at endofworld.net. Hehe. Go me!


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Ahh, high school, the first time you realize the fun of being brilliant amongst the mediocre. Live it up.