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In stage crew there are these two girls, they are twins, and their names are Kathryn and Jessica. They arn't identical twins, and one of them is an actor, yet I always confuse them, even when only one is around. They're nice about it, mostly because I save them the trouble of making a big deal about it by doing it for them. They even said that their own dad confuses them... its a small comfort.

So a while back I needed to assign Jessica a project, and I stopped about 5 steps from her and thought to myself "Okay, its Jessica, just say 'Hey Jessica, can you do something for me' *repeated several times*" I stepped, stepped, stepped, reached Jessica and said "Hey Kath--Ssica!".

I told Jessica that she needs to write her name on her shirt so that I can tell... She pointed to the back of her shirt, and lo and behold, her name was on it.

I'll get it right one of these days... I just wont give Kathryn or Jessica any power tools in the mean time.


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